There are many numerology systems which assign numerical value to the letters of an alphabet. Examples include the Abjad numerals in Arabic, the Hebrew numerals, Armenian numerals, and Greek numerals. The practice within Jewish tradition of assigning mystical meaning to words based on their numerical values, and on connections between words of equal value, is known as gematria. For example:

1 = a, j, s,
2 = b, t,
3 = c, l, u,
4 = d, m,
5 = e, n, w,
6 = f, o, x,
7 = g, p, y,
8 = h, q, z,
9 = i, r,
based on Pythagorean Numerology, which is the original numerology and was created by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras

k = 11
v = 22
...and are then summed.
3,489 → 3 + 4 + 8 + 9 = 24 → 2 + 4 = 6
Hello → 8 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 25 → 2 + 5 = 7

In South India, mostly Tamil nadu, the numbers assigned to English alphabets is different. The list is shown below:
1 = A, I, J, Q, Y
2 = B, K, R
3 = C, G, L, S
4 = D, M, T
5 = E, H, N, X
6 = U, V, W
7 = O, Z
8 = F, P
There is no assignment for the number 9. Numerologists analyze double-digit numbers from 10 to 99.

Some Chinese assign a different set of meanings to the numbers and certain number combinations are considered luckier than others. In general, even numbers are considered lucky, since it is believed that good luck comes in pairs.


This world has been created by lord Brahma and the entire world is controlled by TRIMURTHI (Bramha,Vishnu & Mahesh). It is worshipped by people in various forms across the globe or universe. There is no physical form for it.

There is no birth or death to the soul that exists in all of our bodies as we all believe.Changes are only to the physical bodies.They are birth, childhood, teenage, adulthood, oldage, and death. Only athma enters into different body and takes form at time as per the good deeds and bad things it has done. There is no birth or death to athma. It can neither be created nor destroyed. Athma takes birth as per the karmas which it has done. It is like a person who is working in an organization gets promoted when he does his duty sincerely, honestly and efficiently or degraded if he does not perform his duties. The same way, an athma gets good and bad birth as per the good and bad things it does.

Naadi Astrology is like a mirror of your karmas in past birth. And there are two options associated with your past sin. Either you can get the bad fate for your sins or you can overcome them by doing the right things with the world ( including all living things).

The texts are mainly written in Vatteluttu, which is an ancient Tamil script. There are different schools of thought as to the author of these leaves. They were written by a Tamil sage called Agathiyar who is said to have had divine revelations. This doctrine of astrology was made famous by astrologers around the Vaitheeswaran Temple in the state of Tamil Nadu. Based on the thumb impression, Nadi leaves are found.
These Nadi leaves were initially stored in the premises of Tanjore Saraswati Mahal Library of Tamil Nadu. The British rulers later showed interest in the Nadi leaves concerned with herbs and medicine, future prediction etc.; but ironically left most of the Nadi prediction leaves to their loyal people. Some leaves got destroyed and the remaining were auctioned during the British rule. These Nadi leaves were obtained and possessed by the families of astrologers in Vaitheeswaran Temple. This was passed down the years from one generation to the other.


All the human beings irrespective of country, religion, caste, status, rich, poor, language are controlled by Navagrahas (nine planets). Navagrahas are very sincere in their duties and never go out of their path in performing their duties. They never work for any favour. They act on individuals as per the Karma (bad and good things done by human beings in this world) of each individual. The life of each individual is determined by their past karmas. For example, if a person is blessed with huge wealth in this birth then it means he has done so many punyas (good things) in his previous births and he is enjoying the benefits of it in this birth. It is like a person who has saved lot of punyas in his account as we save in bank accounts, then cash it when the need comes.
Birth, death, rebirth and moksha are all controlled by our old karmas. Sins are like big mountains which will take very long time to dilute whereas punyas earned will get emptied very soon so it is very important that we always think of good and do not do any harm to any other living things. Sin is considered as committed even if we think of any bad things in your mind.
What is to be given to you, when, how and where everything is decided by Brahma through Navagarahas and Siddars. As the Brahma cannot come and do all the things in the world directly it has created 84,000 Siddars to perform duties on its behalf. Siddars are only next to god, and they have all supreme and divine powers and energy to act like god. Of the total siddars, 84000 are identified as very powerful and these informations are told by siddars itself by way of Nadi. Agastiyar is the leader of all Siddars. Few other Siddars like Vashistar, Kakapujandar, Bokar. Agastiyar always thrive for Jeeva Karunyam (not to do harm to any living things), i.e., taking care of all living things in this world and guide them to the path of Gnana to reach the divine feet.

How is Astrology useful for our mind ?

Tension or stress is a natural reaction of the events that take place in our

day-to-day life. It can be a friend or a foe of a person. When under control, it

can ignite creative power and productivity in a person and can make him or

her prospective as well. But when out of control, it can take horrible toll on

his or her mental, physical and emotional health and ;) relationships and

this is this second form of it that prevails the world over -whether, in family

or in the office, in park .or in travel in the present age of matter when

everybody tries to grab every pleasure of life by this way or that.

In todays fast-paced world, we are experiencing more stress than ever

before. A study ! conducted until recently shows that more than 45 percent

people suffer adverse health effects from stress.

We all know that anxiety disorders cannot be stopped. We cant simply wish

them away. In fact, they grow on most of us and eventually become chronic.

So, the big question is what to do? Doctors and scientists are trying to find

ways out. Researches are on but the situation is still far from satisfactory.

But then there is hope as well in the form of different astrological paths and

systems such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Pranic healing, acupressure, acupuncture

and herbal medicines.

Where Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga can help us in keeping our body fit

and healthy, consultancy by consultants of different streams can really help

us in easing out the stress and tension people are going through these days.

Astrology acts as a psycho treatment to a person going through a bad phase

and feels very lone. Depression and increased tendencies to commit suicide

can be effectively controlled if correct astro advice is given to a person in

advance to prepare him to accept the upcoming event. One can prepare

oneself mentally to accept the rough patch without much problems.

Karni Mata Temple - The temple of rats

Karni Mata (Hindi: करणी माता) (2 October 1387 – 23 March 1538), or Karniji, was 
a female Hindu sage born in the Charan caste. She is worshiped as the incarnation of the goddess Durga by her followers. She is an official deity of the royal family of Jodhpur and Bikaner. She lived an ascetic life and was widely revered during her own lifetime. At the request of the Maharaja of Bikaner, she laid the foundation stones for two important forts in the region. 

The most famous of her temples is the temple in the small town of Deshnoke, near Bikaner, which was created following her mysterious disappearance from her home. The temple is famous for its black rats, which are treated as sacred and given protection in the temple. Contrary to some reports, the temple is not affiliated with Jainism. Another temple dedicated to her during her lifetime differs from others in that it does not contain an image or idol of her, but rather contains a foot-print to symbolize her visit to that place. Karni mata is also referred to as Nari Bai.